Thursday, 18 June 2015

Skin Whitening

Having a clean and white skin is the desire of every person especially women. No wonder that every day appear new techniques and new products to whiten the skin. Actually, to whiten the skin can be done in a natural way by using natural ingredients with no side effects. There are some fruit or herbs that can be used to clean our skin. And if done routinely and regularly can make our skin becomes brighter and white. Here are some types of fruits / herbs that can be used as a skin whitener.

1. Papaya and Lime
Papaya is useful to remove dead skin cells that accumulate which causes the skin to become dull. Because the papaya contains papain enzyme is useful as an exfoliator to remove dirt and lift dead skin cells, which will make your skin soft, smooth and bright. Papaya also contains vitamin C which is useful as an anti-oxidant.
How To: Take 1/2 papaya, puree. Mix with a few drops of lime juice. Then apply to the face, neck and entire body part you want to bleached. Do it once a week for maximum results.

2. Cucumber and Lemon
Cucumber is a fruit that has a lot of water content, but does not contain calories, so it can be used to refresh as well as moisturize the skin. Additionally cucumber is also rich in niacin that can brighten the skin. Combine cucumber with a few drops of lemon juice.
How: Take a fresh half cucumber medium size. Grated until smooth and then add 10 drops of lemon juice. Toss well and apply to face, neck and entire body part you want bleached. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do it every day for one month, after one month of treatment can be repeated one to two times a month. 

3. Honey and Lemon
Honey and lemon can be used to make skin brighter. Because honey contains niacin and vitamin C are useful to brighten the skin. While lemon is also rich in vitamin C which can improve skin texture. Especially skin that easily sunburned.
How:  Mix two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of lemon juice. Toss well and apply to face and neck. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Do it every day for one month. For treatment can make one or two times a day.

4. Strawberry and Milk
Strawberry and milk is also useful to lighten skin naturally and have the content of vitamin C is very high which is beneficial to lighten the skin. While antioxidants can prevent the oxidation process so that it can nourish the skin. Mixed with mineral-rich milk can be used to nourish the skin so the skin becomes healthier.

 How:  5 pieces of strawberry puree. Add fresh milk taste. Then apply to the face, neck, and body. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water. Do it twice a week until the skin looks bright.

5. Tomato and Oatmeal
Tomatoes can also lighten the skin as well as nourish the skin. Mixed with oatmeal and cream of milk, this herb makes the skin not only white but also healthy. Tomatoes contain vitamin C is beneficial to remove dead skin cells. In addition to vitamin C, tomatoes are also rich in antioxidant that prevents oxidation process so that the skin becomes healthier. While oatmeal and milk rich in minerals will improve skin texture and reduce black spots.
How:  Take a fresh and ripe tomatoes, then puree. After that, add oattmeal and milk. Stir until mixed well. Apply to the face, neck and entire body that want to bleached. Let stand for 20 minutes until it dries. Wash with cold water. Do it once a week until the skin is clear.

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